Why Discarding Leftover Medication is Essential A Guide to Safe Medication Disposal - Branch brook Pharmacy


Leftover medication is a common occurrence in households around the world. Whether it's the remnants of a previous illness or a medication that is no longer needed, many people tend to keep these medications for future use "just in case." However, holding onto expired or unnecessary medication can pose significant risks to both your health and the environment. In this guide, we'll explore why it's crucial to get rid of leftover medication and provide safe and responsible ways to dispose of it.


1. Expired Medications Lose Effectiveness

Just like any other product with a shelf life, medications have an expiration date for a reason. Over time, the chemical composition of drugs can change, leading to reduced potency and effectiveness. Using expired medications might not only fail to treat your condition properly but could also potentially worsen it, delaying proper treatment and recovery.


2. Health

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