
  1. Quick Tips to Manage Common Digestive Disorders

    Quick Tips to Manage Common Digestive Disorders - Branch Brook Pharmacy

    After a certain age, we tend to experience health issues that become more frequent. Digestive issues are a similar condition that may start disrupting your everyday activities. You may begin experiencing heartburn and gas, the primary symptoms of digestive disorders. 

    Are you aware of what manages the health of this system? The significant determinants of digestive health are your food habits and lifestyle choices. Several factors like medications, lack of exercise, excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, and other habits lead to digestive issues. 

    However, you can take certain precautions and maintain a healthy digestive system to ensure optimum health!

    Tame Your Tummy: Solutions for Common Digestive Issues

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  2. The Spring Allergy: Treatment & Prevention

    The Spring Allergy: Treatment & Prevention - Branch Brook Pharmacy


    It is common to suffer from spring allergies. As plants bloom and pollen rises, susceptible people may experience allergic reactions. As a result of histamine release, pollen allergies cause inflammation and irritation.

    There are several things allergy sufferers need to be aware of to prevent and cure spring allergies. Allergies can lower the quality of life due to sneezing, itchy eyes, runny noses, and allergies congestion. This blog aims to understand Spring Allergy better and devise measures to prevent and treat it.


    Symptoms of Spring Allergies

    The symptoms of spring allergies can vary from person to person, but some common ones include the following:

    1. Sneezing
    2. Itchy, watery eyes
    3. Runny nose
    4. Congestion
    5. Postnasal drip
    6. Coughing
    7. Wheezing
    8. Headaches
    9. Fatigue

    Spring allergies can be challenging to identify from

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  3. Pharma Marketing in a Nutshell

    Pharma Marketing in a Nutshell - Branch Brook Pharmacy

    Pharma Marketing in a Nutshell 

    Pharma Marketing is considered a vital aspect of the pharmaceutical industry. It helps pharmaceutical companies successfully promote their products and reach audiences faster.

    Pharma Marketing makes the process of connecting doctors and patients more effective, by understanding their needs and providing the right products. In recent years, it has shown massive growth and expanded rapidly. 

    In this article, we will explore pharma marketing in a nutshell, covering some key strategies that can help pharma companies successfully market their business. 

    5 Important Key Strategies To Follow in Pharma Marketing 

    With advances in technology and changes in consumer behavior, market demand has also changed, necessitating more effective strategies. Marketing in the pharma industry can be a complex subject, involving the long process of promotion

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  4. Top Signs of Nutrient Deficiency


    The symptoms of nutrient deficiency have been ignored as expected realities of modern living due to a fast-paced lifestyle. Nutrition and a well-balanced diet have many benefits. Alternatively, a diet deficient in nutrients may cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are substances that our bodies require to function properly. Nutrient deficiency is a condition in which an individual is not receiving enough nutrients from their diet.

    When we do not consume enough of these essential substances, our bodies can suffer from various deficiencies, leading to a range of health problems. Our body communicates potential vitamin and mineral deficiencies through these symptoms. Symptoms of a rise-and-grind lifestyle, such as fatigue, allergies,

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  5. DayQuil vs NyQuil: what's the difference?

    DayQuil vs NyQuil: what's the difference?


    In spite of colds and the flu being quite common in day-to-day life, there are still some considerations to make when taking approved drugs. The two most commonly used alternatives to DayQuil are NyQuil and DayQuil. The two drugs are produced by Vicks, but their active ingredients are different and they can be used at different times of the day. It is therefore crucial to understand how these two medications differ. This will enable you to choose the one that will work best for you, based on your circumstances, symptoms, and time of day.

    1. What is DayQuil?

    DayQuil is a cold or flu remedy to alleviate cold and flu symptoms during the day. It comprises a combination of active substances, including phenylephrine, dextromethorphan, and the painkiller and fever reducer acetaminophen (a nasal decongestant). Together, these components help to reduce fever, congestion, and coughing. This drug has several different dosage

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  6. 5 Myths About Buying Medicine Online

    5 Myths About Buying Medicine Online - Branch brook Pharmacy

    As technology continues to evolve and the world becomes more connected than ever before, the ability to buy almost anything online has become a convenient reality. One area where online shopping has seen a significant increase in popularity is the purchase of medicine. However, as with any new trend, myths and misconceptions abound. In this article, we will debunk five of the most common myths about buying medicine online and provide you with the necessary information to make informed decisions when making online purchases.

    Myth #1: Online medicine is always cheaper.

    While it is true that some online pharmacies may offer lower prices, this is not always the case. In fact, some unscrupulous online pharmacies may sell counterfeit medication, which can be both dangerous and ineffective. Always

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  7. First-Aid Products Recommended by Pharmacists

    First-Aid Products Recommended by Pharmacists  - Branch Brook Pharmacy


    Sometimes life throws us bruises, scratches, burns, and other minor injuries. We need first aid products to treat those wounds, which can work efficiently and treat scratches quickly. First aid products are vital because we don't know when abrasions or wounds may occur! It is wise to keep the appropriate medical supplies on hand in case an injury, accident, or illness occurs without warning.

    We must be careful when buying first aid products to ensure that they are good enough for treating our wounds. In this article, we will recommend our 5 best first-aid products recommended by pharmacists to treat scrapes, abrasions, minor fever, and for

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